Simple Design help

  • Make sure you use only two to three matching colors consistenly throughout your website (color help)
  • Keep the font size and face the same for the same kind of text. Use only three to four fonts style on all your pages.
  • Make the pages of your site look a like each other. That way people know when they are on your site and when they leave it.
  • Use the same layout for all pages if possible. This includes that the navigation is throughout your website the same. That makes it much easier for the user to navigate through your site.
  • Less is sometimes more, especially for graphics on the web. Keep the sum of the sizes of all graphic files used on one page below 25KByte, to make the page load fast. Do not use a graphic if you can do the same with plain HTML. If possible keep the style of the graphics consitent. Do not mix cartoons, photographic images and technical drawings. (Icons at an anglia archive )
  • keep the size of each web page small. Try to stay below two screens. The users do not like to scroll.
What you should never do you can see in that sucks.


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Copyright by Armin Kielack 1998 last modified: